Can I see some of your current projects?

  We brand ourselves as Liberation Ranches when we sell ranchettes. You’ll find many of our current projects on that website.  

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Mind giving me a deep dive into how the fund works?

  View this Zoom call for a deep dive into how the fund works. Among other things, we discussed:   – How you might think the fund works versus how it actually works – How we’re preserving investor capital and generating non-correlated returns – How our investors will (or will not) be affected by a […]

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What is the Hawthorne Capital origin story?

  Learn all about our origin story, the land business and Doug’s background by listening to this podcast episode on YouTube. It can also be found on iTunes and Spotify.  

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What does it mean to be in the Hawthorne Capital family?

  There have been several investor events, and more are coming up. View videos and pictures from some of our gatherings:   Video 1: Helicopter tours with ATVs, BBQ and skeet shooting   Video 2: Celebrating $5M paid to investors and being named the fastest-growing real estate company in Texas   Pictures: Football game, wine […]

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Are the returns guaranteed?

    The SEC regulates private equity funds and has the right to investigate and prosecute any sponsors who represent returns as being “guaranteed.” There is a degree of risk associated with any investment, and it is up to each investor to assess that risk before investing.   Refer to the Private Placement Memorandum (PPM) […]

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What does the paperwork look like for each transaction?

  The following paperwork is common and required each time we buy land or sell a ranchette. Many of these documents protect the fund’s position as a lender:   RMLO Package for a Ranchette Sale: This contains all information related to qualifying and approving a borrower. It is assembled by Texas Pride Lending in Dallas. […]

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How do monthly distributions differ from reinvestments?

    This was covered in the video but not the slide deck (PDF).   Investors are receiving an average of $833.33 per month, which is $10,000 per year, on each $100,000 invested. Those who have chosen to automatically reinvest their monthly returns are benefiting from compounding over time. This helps raise their internal rate […]

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Who has invested in the fund?

  Some of our investors are listed here. Names are excluded to maintain their privacy. It’s an impressive group, and we try to provide networking opportunities as much as we’re able.  

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How have ranchette sales been of late?

  Sales have been strong, and we’re positioned for another record-setting year. We give credit to both the sales team and a resilient business model.   If we have a weak sales month, it’s generally because we were a little short on inventory or because we were working to push projects along, not because there […]

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What is an accredited investor, and do I qualify to invest?

  This is a Reg D Rule 506(c) offering and must comply with associated SEC requirements. As a result, investors must be accredited.   Per the SEC, an individual must meet one of the following two criteria to invest:   “Net worth over $1 million, excluding primary residence (individually or with spouse or partner).”   […]

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