How does the process of requesting and receiving a return of my capital work?


You are able to request and receive a return of part or all of your investment should you desire. You can find a detailed explanation of this process in section 4.04 of the Company Agreement.


Below is a simple illustration that shows how this works:


You have $300K invested in the fund, and you provide a written request that we return $250K of it.


We have 120 days to return $100K. We must return another $100K 60 days later (on day 180). Then we must return the final $50K 60 days after that (on day 240).


We are to pay you fees of $100 per month per $100K requested should we be unable to return your capital according to the schedule outlined in the Company Agreement and illustrated above.


Should the fund be accruing or paying fees to any investor for more than two years, the fund is legally obligated to stop issuing new loans and to return capital to all investors as it becomes available.


Our goal is to return as much of your requested capital as possible within a few days of your request. Our ability to do so depends on the amount you request and the fund’s current liquidity. If needed, we can generate additional liquidity through the means shown in the following FAQ.


Investors have requested a partial or complete return of their capital on multiple occasions. We have always returned it within one to four business days. In three separate cases, we returned about $1M on short notice.


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